17 June 2008

Chicago NOODs

Hi Gang!!

Well, THAT was probably the best 3 days back to back sailing that we have had in a few years. Even with a delayed start on Sunday, we still got a decent race in, and that is what mattered.

As for results... well... we started the regatta with a 3rd place finish... then took a nap and got a 10 and 11, or an 11 and a 10... something like that. Saturday, we had our best racing, with a 5th, a 7th, and a 2nd! Sunday, we finished 8th, against some very tough competition, and that gave us 6th overall, a single point behind Regardless for 5th, which is pretty good company. We beat Regardless, Sorcerer, and Spitfire scratch all 3 races on Saturday, so that was very sweet. They KNOW we are now here to win.

We had good crew all 3 days, and a great time was had by all. We did not put up the Spinnaker on Sunday... the winds were just too great, and if we were in the running for 2nd or 3rd, it might have played a factor, however... we saw our highest boat speed on Sunday, under just jib and main, at 10.2 knots. Who needs a 'chute????

Our guest, Dave G., had a great time, and we'll welcome him back any time he wants to go sailing... great guy, lots of fun, and flew out from Denver to sail with us... he'll be back, we're sure... (how can he pass up the chance to sail with all these hot girls?)
Aaaahhh... Maskwa women......

We are having a great time rebuilding the crew... Lots of fun, but still open for just about anything. We know there have been some of you sitting on the sidelines... work... triathlon training.... yadda yadda yadda.... come on out and sail! We will need crew for more sailing.. more races, and more fun. No problem if you want to be a half season sailor, and are just getting around to the boat... come on out and have some fun....

That said, here are some shots from Saturday..... :-)

Hugs, all....


p.s.. the last shot is the view from 2nd place.... :-)

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