29 September 2007

Sunday Sailing. (30 Sept 2007)

I have received word from our illustrious skipper that the cruise is a GO! Don plans to arrive at Burnham around noon and would like to leave dock around 1pm. He anticipates that we will return by 5pm, possibly sooner depending on the weather.

NOAA is forecasting a day that is mostly sunny, high temperature around 80°F (25°C), south winds 15-20 kts., and waves 3-5 feet. Currently, the surface temperature of Lake Michigan is approximately 65-68°F (18-20°C). So, plan accordingly.

- Splash

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

h1u50c2r35 s3b69u0o13 n1v58g4v30 q1a26q6w22 v6j64k1o15 a0l56e8p97