11 October 2007

Tuesday's Lovely Sail.....

Well, we had a positively lovely day for a sail on Tuesday. Winds were strong and steady out of the W/NW, so there were NO waves, and the amazing thing is... here.. in this first picture---

So, you can see something interesting in that photo. That kind of folded over sail is a REEF. This is something that you have to do when the wind is TOO STRONG for the amount of sail that you have up. We had consistant winds of 25 kts, with frequent gusts to 32-33, and of course, the occasional stronger gust.

We were doing a steady 7 kts in that breeze, under a reef and no headsail. Pretty sweet. We did see 8 kts a few times, but we had to feather up in the puffs of wind.. some of them were pretty strong.

So, probably one of our last evening sails this season. The plan is still to get the boat out of the water on the 20th. More details to come on that when needed. The sail/motor will take about 5 hours at least, so we will try to start at BPYC nice and early, and then take the train back from Waukegan. Rain date is set for Oct 21st.

See you all soon,


1 comment:

Steph said...

Hello nice ppost